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Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument

Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).

The NDICI programme will replace the two instruments which eurrently support International cooperation by the European Union. The instruments, which will replace NDICI on 1 January 2021, are the European Development Fund, which is European Union Member States funding coordinated by the European Union, and the Development Corporation instrument which is the European Union's own funding mechanism.

The European Union is the world’s biggest donor of development assistance, the first trading partner and the first foreign investor for almost every country in the world. As a Union promoting peace, stability and exporting its values and rules, it is faced with many challenges as well as opportunities in an increasingly complex and connected world. Prosperity and peace in the EU’s neighbourhood has a positive impact on the EU’s own prosperity. The EU budget helps the Union to implement its priorities globally, to rise to the challenges and opportunities and to promote its interests in the world, including through multilateral solutions. The new long-term budget will bring a significant modernisation of the external dimension of the EU budget. It will increase the effectiveness and visibility of the EU’s external policies, strengthen coordination with internal policies and give the EU the flexibility for a faster response to new crises and challenges

The instrument will channel the biggest share of external action funds, with a planned budget of €89.2 billion. It will be the EU’s main tool to contribute to eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development, prosperity, peace and stability.


 1. THE GEOGRAPHIC PILLAR will provide €68 billion worth assistance to foster dialogue and cooperation with third countries. Each regional envelope will be adapted to the needs and priorities of the regions in question, which reflect the EU’s strategic priorities, notably in the EU’s neighbourhood and Africa, as well as countries most in need.

NDICI: Neighbourhood: €22 billion

NDICI: Sub-Saharan Africa: €32 billion

NDICI: Asia and the Pacific: €10 billion

NDICI: Americas and the Caribbean: €4 billion Cooperation with Overseas Countries and Territories, incl. Greenland: €500 million Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance: €14.5 billion

2. THE THEMATIC PILLAR, with €7 billion, will fund support to human right and democracy, civil society, stability and peace. It will complement activities in the geographic pillar, inasmuch as they have to be addressed at global level.

Human Rights and Democracy: €1.5 billion;

Civil Society Organisations: €1.5 billion;

Stability and Peace: €1 billion;

Global Challenges: €3 billion, for issues like: health, education, empowering women and children, migration and forced displacement, Inclusive growth, decent work, social protection and food security

3. THE RAPID-RESPONSE PILLAR, with €4 billion, will allow the EU to rapidly and effectively intervene for conflict prevention and to respond to situations of crisis or instability. It will help increase partner countries’ resilience, as well as take early action to address the EU’s foreign policy needs and priorities. It will: Provide stability and conflict prevention in situations of crisis; Strengthen resilience and better link humanitarian and development action; Address the EU’s foreign policy needs and priorities.